Super-Kamiokande (SK) is a neutrino detector located in Japan.
It consists of a cylindrical stainless steel tank about 40 m in height and diameter holding 50,000 tons of ultrapure water. The wall of the tank are covered with 13,000 photomultiplier tubes that detect light from Cherenkov radiation induced by the neutrino/water interaction.

The problem of such a detector is to discriminate between the neutrino interactions and the background noise (radio-activity, cosmic rays…)
Hyper-Kamiokande (HK) is a future neutrino detector, based on the same principle than SK but with a bigger volume.
The simulations
The simulation are performed with WCSim, an open-source framework based on GEANT4.
The data
The data are composed of two type of events in HK.
- The signal data are simulations of interaction between neutrino from a supernova inside the detector. They are labelled as signal.
- The noise signal are simulation of the darkrate of the detector photo-multipliers, i.e. the signal induced by a random activity inside the amplifier circuit. They are labelled as noise.
- It is planned to get different noise source like spallation or nuclear desintegration in the future.
The data are generated in root files. They are available at this site. Three files are relevant :
- only_noise_HK_hybrid_w_tubeID.root contains noise events
- only_sig_HK_hybrid_w_tubeID.root contains signal events
- PMT_IDs_coordinates_HK_hybrid.txt is a text file containing the coordinates of the sensors of the detector.
A class is available to read the data.